What is Engineer on a Budget?
Engineer on a Budget is a blog dedicated to engineering practices utilizing cost-efficient and low overhead practices such as agile development and lean manufacturing. In other words, it’s just me! We no matter the scale of an organization there is always a budget if we loosen the definition of a budget to mean constraint, then it is more readily evident of the intent of the content provided here. For example as of writing this, other than my cameraman (my wife) and my trusty aids (cat and dog) I am solely producing the material on this site. What constraints do we face? Time, space, resources, and experience. Many of the topics I intend to cover, I am not a subject matter expert and I will stumble periodically, but I will proceed and with your help make corrections and improve techniques.
So, in short, this is made for people. The people who don’t think they have the time, space, know-how, or budget to Build… Explore… Engineer!